
时间:2019-11-05 17:56:58   热度:37.1℃   作者:网络

原标题:China ranks second in number of clinical medicine research papers in 2018

The number of Chinese clinical medicine research papers reached 44,279 in 2018 and ranked second in the world, according to a report released Monday in Chengdu, southwest China's Sichuan Province.

The report, released at the China Biotech Innovation Conference, said China published about 302,300 clinical medicine research papers from 2009 to 2018.

The clinical research scale was improved and technological transformation in this field was accelerated, said the report.

The tumor and cardiovascular diseases won the greatest concern around the world in 2018, with more than 80,000 papers published, followed by digestive system diseases, diabetes, kidney disease and musculoskeletal disorders, said the report.

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