
时间:2019-11-12 18:47:45   热度:37.1℃   作者:网络

原标题:TED | 久坐不动,危害太大了!


Nilofer Merchant在本次TED演讲中讲述了“坐”这一人们司空见惯,习以为常的动作给人的身体带来的危害。她建议人们起身走动起来,将工作与健康兼顾,边走边谈。

演讲者:Nilofer Merchant



What you’re doing, right now, at this very moment, is killing you.More than cars or the Internet or even that little mobile device we keep talking about,the technology you’re using the most almost every day is this, your tush.Nowadays people are sitting 9.3 hours a day, which is more than we’re sleeping, at 7.7 hours.Sitting is so incredibly prevalent, we don’t even question how much we’re doing it,and because everyone else is doing it, it doesn’t even occur to us that it’s not okay.In that way, sitting has become the smoking of our generation.


Of course there’s health consequences to this, scary>这当然对健康有危害,围绕腰部产生的可怕问题。例如乳癌与大肠癌等疾病,都与缺乏身体活动息息相关。以上两项疾病的罹患率因此增加10%。心脏病罹患率因此增加6%,第二型糖尿病罹患率因此增加7%。这正是我父亲的死因。现在,这些统计应该能说服我们多起身走动。但如果你像我这么懒,绝对办不到。

What did get me moving was a social interaction.Someone invited me to a meeting,but couldn’t manage to fit me in to a regular sort of conference room meeting, and said,"I have to walk my dogs tomorrow. Could you come then?"It seemed kind of odd to do, and actually, that first meeting, I remember thinking,I have to be the>让我动起来的力量来自于一场社交活动。某人邀请我参加一场会议,但无法安排我进行一般室内会议,于是他说,「我明天得遛狗,妳方便来吗?」这似乎有点怪事实上,记得首次进行这种会议时,我不断思索,「我得设法开口问下一个问题」「因为我知道谈话进行时,我将气喘如牛」但我借用这种做法,让它成了我的点子。因此我不举行喝咖啡聊天的会议,或在日光灯下进行室内会议。我邀请人们进行散步会议,平均每周步行20至30英里。这改变了我的生活。

But before that, what actually happened was, I used to think about it as,you could take care of your health, or you could take care of obligations,and>但在此之前的实际情况是,我曾经认为,你可以设法顾及自己的健康,或设法顾及应尽的职责,但无法两者兼顾。因此,历经数百次散步会议后,我学到几件事。

First, there’s this amazing thing about actually getting out of the box that leads to out-of-the-box thinking.Whether it’s nature or the exercise itself, it certainly works.


And second, and probably the more reflective>其次,这或许是更让人深思的一点,就是关于我们对对立问题的兼容性,当问题本身并非如此时。如果我们打算解决问题,以截然不同的眼光看待世事,无论是针对时政或商业或环境问题、就业问题,或许我们可以思考如何跳脱问题的框架,兼顾所有需求。因为随着边走边谈的想法产生的念头,一切变得可行、兼容并蓄。

So I started this talk talking about the tush,so I’ll end with the bottom line, which is, walk and talk. Walk the talk.You’ll be surprised at how fresh air drives fresh thinking,and in the way that you do, you’ll bring into your life an entirely new set of ideas.


Thank you.



上一篇: 你养的蜜袋鼬到底是个啥?

下一篇: 新手爸妈鉴宝大会|送宝宝一道肺凡护身福
